Netflix Shows I'm Binge Watching & LOVING


Yes, I’m still watching…

I always feel slightly slighted by Netflix when the graphic “Are You Still Watching?” pops up on the TV. Like who decided the time limit on that? Have they never binge-watched a show before? Also, I can’t believe there isn’t something in the settings to turn that off because the answer is: YES! I’m still watching. I’m living through a pandemic. I have nothing else to do! Here’s what I’ve been watching recently and LOVING:


At first, I wasn’t super into the idea of this show because I felt like Netflix was shoving it down my throat to watch. I should’ve listened sooner because it is SO SO SO good! Took my sister and Piña Pal Mal to watch it to finally convince me to start it and o.m.g. It is everything I didn’t know I needed right now. Think Gossip Girl meets Jane Austen with over the top costumes, scenery, and people!

Conclusion: Highly, highly recommend. Hunter didn’t watch, he said this wasn’t his cup of tea.

+Cobra Kai

This show is bad ass! It’s a spinoff of the original Karate Kid movie. If you love cheesy, but good, but again cheesy 80 films then you’re going to love this. We especially like how it’s from the point of view of Johnny Lawrence. We’re actually excited for season 4!

Conclusion: Both Hunter and Lexi approved!

+The Queen’s Gambit

This was another show that both Hunter and I loved to watch together. Hunter especially loved it because it was about chess and competition. I loved it because it had a strong leading lady who is self-made, smart, and gives all the boys a run for their money. The actress is also super captivating!

Conclusion: Hunter and Lexi approved!

+The Witcher

This show leaves you dumbfounded after each episode. It kind of takes all the dark parts of Game of Thrones and somehow adds in a time travel element. I’m definitely invested in the story and characters. I am looking forward to season 2 and how this story unfolds! This is a good show because both Hunter and I got into it.

Conclusion: We both liked it and recommend watching with an open mind and sticking with it.

Netflix is constantly releasing new content. Thank goodness! I would love to hear what you are watching and recommend.

Until next time…stay sweet! Byeeeeeee!